In the current issue of Planet S, I write a short piece on “guilty pleasures” – in this case about those beer that you secretly don’t mind so much in certain circumstances. The kind of beer you wouldn’t admit to your fellow beer geek friends that you have ever let slide past your lips.

I didn’t have to tell anyone about these beer. I could have kept them locked away in a closet, never to see the light of day. But I am a beer writer and educator. I have a moral obligation to shed light on all aspects of beer. And that means sometimes enjoying a glass of beer that normally makes me go “meh”. Or at least this is what I am telling myself as I realize that thousands of people now know that from time to time I slum it – beerwise.

But, admit it, you all do it, too. I am providing a public service in admitting my beer guilty pleasures. In fact the list provided for Planet S is incomplete – I restricted it to beer available in Saskatchewan. I could add a couple more for Alberta readers – but won’t for now.

You can read my shameful admission here. And now it is your turn. What is your guilty pleasure (keep it focused on beer, people!!)? Don’t be ashamed. Admitting it is the first step to acceptance. Go on. No one will judge (well, at least I won’t judge)