Alberta and Saskatchewan brewers dominated the awards at the Calgary International Beer Festival a couple of weekends ago. The festival awarded medals to the best ales, lagers and specialty beer, divided into international and domestic. They also gave out a people’s choice award. Prairie brewers won 7 out of a possible 12 medals.

In particular, Edmonton’s Amber’s Brewing fared very well, winning three medals including a bronze in the People’s Choice Award. The Brewster’s Brewpub chain garnered two medals and Saskatoon’s Paddock Wood won gold for best domestic ale. The other winning brewery was the quiet Brew Brothers from Calgary.

Of course, being a Calgary event, prairie brewers were well represented, but keep in mind that imports, represented by agencies, are always present in great numbers at these kind of events. B.C. also had quite a number of breweries on hand. So on the whole I think our flatlander brewers showed themselves well.

I am told the judging was done by a panel that included BJCP-certified beer judges from the Calgary Yeast Wranglers, some media representatives and a couple of contest winners. The organizers report that they are careful to make sure the judging is serious and legitimate. This would give credibility to the awards, I suspect.

Here is the complete list of medal winners at the event (after the page cut):

International Ale

Gold:Innis & Gunn
Silver: Ayinger
Bronze: Anchor Porter

International Lager

Gold: Anchor Steam
Silver: Ankerbrau
Bronze: Raasted Vinter

Domestic Ale

Gold: Paddock Wood Loki IPA
Silver: Brewster’s Bow Valley Brown
Bronze: Brewster’s Gunther’s Hefeweizen

Domestic Lager

Gold: Dead Frog Lager
Silver: Brew Brother’s Black Pilsner
Bronze: Amber’s Mountain Pepper Berry Lager

Specialty Beer

Gold: Leifmans
Silver: Mill St. Coffee Porter
Bronze: Amber’s Sap Vampire Maple Lager

People’s Choice Beer

Gold: Dead Frog Pepper Lime
Silver: Fernie First Trax Brown Ale
Bronze: Amber’s Vampire Sap Maple Lager

People’s Choice Alternate Beverage

Gold: Woody’s Appletini
Silver: Mott’s Clamato Caesar
Bronze: Woodstock